Thursday, January 12, 2012

The "So Called" American Dream

The American Dream is a promise that no matter what class, race, background, or interests you have , you will be given an equal opportunity to work for your dreams. When many people here that they assume they must do whatever it takes to bring themselves up. When Gatsby didn't have any money, he went out the easy way to make money, selling illegal drugs. Even though he did end up rich ,he wasn't happy. The only girl he could love, fell in love with someone else. When he died ,no one came to his funeral, even those who came to the parties at his house. That was the sad part, everyone used him for the items he had, but never took the time to understand him, or be a friend. The American Dream promises you can reach happiness and dreams, but what if your not as happy as you thought you'd be with a stack of cash, what if your dream turned into a nightmare? No one said all dreams bring you happiness alone. Striving for attention is more difficult today, than it was back then. If you have the money, there are two things on your mind. One , you have to show others who's the boss. Two ,you can't let anyone else steal your spot in fame. The American Dream makes many promises,told and untold. Following a dream leads to happiness and troubles, but in the end it's worth it.